Wednesday, April 16, 2008

lost my blogging virginity...

Well, I was inspired to blog by the one and only jj, who is a great and innovative blogger and security specialist. I'm coming fresh off of a company-customer happy hour at the Top of the Hill in downtown (you guessed it) Chapel Hill complete with in-house brews and fancy appetizers. My CH characters were also at Top-O and I did manage to sneak away and visit for a minute. Go Heels.

On a side note, this being my first ever blogging adventure, I'm not sure if you will be entertained, but if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.

Besides my 9-5 love of CAD, I also coach volleyball for a club team in NC ( Coaching (how should I put this) is as big a pain in the ass as it is rewarding. Especially at the 18 age level, where parents are still involved.

So... I suppose it's time to end blog 1, hope it's as good for you as it was for me.

1 comment:

Lance said...

Yay, now you're a big nerd like me!